Women in Architecture: Monica Lowry

Monica Lowry, AIA, Senior Project Manager, Burgess & Niple

What got you interested in architecture? 

Growing up I was always creating something—furniture for my dolls, ideas for a club house, or ways we could renovate our house so I could (finally!) get my own room. I never got my own room but did cultivate a deep passion for creating spaces.

How did you get started in the field?

Graduating from the University of Kentucky, I was always eager for more responsibilities and exposure on projects. I quickly tested and obtained my license- fully utilizing the resources that were made available through the firm I was at. Throughout my career I have been fortunate to be surrounded by incredibly talented people.

Where are you in your career?

I am at the mid-point of my career which is a pretty cool place to be- I am able to look back and see how far I have come but also look forward and know that there is still so much ahead.

 What’s the biggest highlight of your career so far?

I am not sure if I can pinpoint a single ‘highlight.’ There are so many projects, people, places, and experiences that have been ‘high points’ in my career.

What’s been the biggest challenge in your career so far?

Having things happen that are beyond my control and properly reacting and pivoting.

Who do you admire or what are you excited about/inspired by right now?

A few Instagram accounts have been a fresh burst of inspiration across my feed lately: @covington_uncovered, @accidentallyweanderson, and @hinterhouse.

What do you wish you’d known starting out in the field? And/or what advice would you give to a young woman considering pursuing a career in architecture?

The path is not easy but if you love what you do it—will be extremely rewarding!

When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy?

I absolutely love spending time with my husband, Nick, and our three busy kids. We enjoy doing anything and everything—hiking, fishing, playing soccer, and cheering on our favorite sports teams!

Are You a Woman in Architecture?

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Zaha Hadid’s first US commission and the first museum in the United States designed by a woman – the Contemporary Arts Center. As part of the celebrations, AIA Cincinnati wants to highlight the women in our chapter throughout the year. We’ll be sharing these profiles in our newsletter and social media. If you’d like to submit your profile, please follow the instructions on the form.


2023 Title Sponsor: Marsh Window and Door Classics


Women in Architecture: Krista Paas Nicholas