Women in Architecture: Krista Paas Nicholas

Krista Paas Nicholas, AIA, Sr Project Architect, Envisage Architecture

What got you interested in architecture?

As someone who was an artist with the genetics of an engineer, I loved the idea of the marriage of these two things…and the idea of an art field that paid.

How did you get started in the field?

Like many University of Cincinnati students, I started through the co-op system. I took that opportunity to try out different kinds of firm types: small architecture firms, big engineering firms, mid-sized architecture firms, public sector firms, and one-man shops. Ultimately, I was looking for, and gaining, great mentoring experiences.

Where are you in your career?

I am very experienced in institutional work, especially with an expertise in healthcare design in both large-scaled, multi-phased projects and smaller boutique healthcare offices. I’m also focusing on learning multi-family and wood construction. I love working in all phases of design, construction and mentoring younger staff.

What’s the biggest highlight of your career so far?

I love the variety of projects I am able to work on as an architect and all the amazing people I get to team with. I’m especially proud to have worked on two replacement hospitals so far in my career. I was the AOR project architect for the interior fit-out of University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital, a 1.2M sf 569-bed acute care hospital, as well as the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Location A building.

What’s been the biggest challenge in your career so far?

Finding work-life balance. I really enjoy big, intensive, stressful projects, but those are a lot easier to do as a single woman without kids. It is very easy to devote all my time to architecture and work… and my work was usually happy for that to happen. I had to re-frame my goals to find time outside of work for family and service. My current office Envisage is a great fit for me, they provide flexibility and respect that I also have family priorities and responsibilities. I’m happy to have found such a good firm and negotiated for the right situation for me.

Who do you admire or what are you excited about/inspired by right now?

The smart women I work with impress me daily. The innate creativity and artistic eye of my seven-year-old son inspires me.

What do you wish you’d known starting out in the field? 

Architecture is a collaborative effort of many people. TV and school sometimes makes it look like it’s the sole artistic endeavor of one person. I enjoy the energy of working with the owner, my work colleagues, contractors, developers, and engineers. You can be a generalist, a designer, a detailer, a code expert, a construction expert, a money expert, and project manager.  As you grow in experience in your career you might specialize in one of these things or touch on each of these, as needed, for every project.

When you’re not at work, what do you enjoy?

I enjoy spending time with family and friends. My favorite board game right now is “Wingspan” – I got all the expansions for Christmas and need to find the time to try them all out.

Are You a Woman in Architecture?

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Zaha Hadid’s first US commission and the first museum in the United States designed by a woman – the Contemporary Arts Center. As part of the celebrations, AIA Cincinnati wants to highlight the women in our chapter throughout the year. We’ll be sharing these profiles in our newsletter and social media. If you’d like to submit your profile, please follow the instructions on the form.


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2023 Allied Member: Phantom Sound