Resources for Early Professionals
AIA defines Young Architects as anyone licensed for less than ten years and Emerging Professionals as anyone working toward licensure. AIA Cincinnati has combined those into one group - Early Professionals.
AIA Cincinnati’s EP working group is chaired by Darion Ziegler, AIA with Reztark. You’re welcome to attend one of their monthly virtual meetings (second Wednesday at 11am) - either email us (below) or register online.
AIA Cincinnati’s Associate Director is Drew Ousley, Assoc. AIA, with RWA Architects.
AIA Ohio has four Early Professionals on their board: Alex Oetzel, AIA with Moody Nolan and AIA Columbus is the Ohio Young Architects Forum Representative; Manuel Granja, Assoc. AIA with Sol Development + Consulting and AIA Cincinnati is the Ohio National Associates Council representative; Zach Herbst, AIA with MSA Design and AIA Cincinnati and Mark Hensler, AIA with Burns & McDonnell and AIA Columbus are the AIA Ohio Early Professional Directors.
Licensing Advisors: AIA Ohio - Gwendolyn Frank, AIA with Perspectus Architecture and AIA Cleveland; Shannon Himes, Ohio Board of Architects; NCARB has an Advisor look up tool.
AIA Ohio has an Early Professional Friendly Firm Designation awarded annually.
Ohio Board of Architects: Shannon Himes, Executive Director
AIA Cincinnati contacts can be reached by email and AIA Ohio contacts can be reached online.
Funding Assistance
Ohio Architects Board AXP Fee Reimbursement (application)
AIA Ohio Foundation CARES Grant: AIA Ohio Associate members may qualify for a grant of up to $200; non-members are limited to $100 grants. Funds may be used for either the cost of testing or for other associated costs, including study material. Grants are limited to one per year and funds available for this program are limited so awards will be made on a first come, first serve basis. Submit an application.
AIA Foundation, Jason Pettigrew Scholarship to help defray the costs of taking the ARE. Applications open in March.
ARE Resources
AIA Ohio has an online library of materials.
You can also watch session recordings from AIA Cincinnati’s ARE study group on our YouTube channel ARE Playlist. AIA Cincinnati has a library of digital and physical resources for use by individuals studying for the ARE exams. You may review the library holdings and request items online. We plan to add more resources over time.
AIA Columbus’s virtual ARE study group meets the third Sunday of the month. Contact Gabby for information. AIA California’s Study Hub also offers virtual study groups.
Amber Books has free weekly study sessions.
NCARB’s AXP Guidelines and a list of AXP tasks compiled by UC DAAP.
Other Resources
NCARB Licensing Requirements (by state) and guidance for International Applicants
AIA Center for Emerging Professionals (learn more)
Resources for Emerging Professionals (learn more)
National Associates Committee - NAC (learn more)
Resources for newly licensed architects (learn more)
AIA Young Architects Forum (YAF) Digital Publication CONNECTION (read more)
Also hosted on the YAF Issuu site are three toolkits: How to Start or Grow an Emerging Professional Committee and How to Facilitate the Emerging Professional Friendly Firm Program, and How to Facilitate the Practice Innovation Lab.