Past President: John Rogers, FAIA

John Rogers, FAIA, FACHA, President, John W. Rogers, Architect


Looking back at your time leading AIA Cincinnati, what are you most proud of accomplishing?

The AIA Cincinnati Board focused on member value while I was on the Board. We continued to create a reserve that covered 120%+ of our annual operating expenses. We held Board members accountable to focus their service on member benefits and value. I led our emphasis on our chapter committees which engaged more of our members. Our membership increased over 25% during my service on the Board. Our newsletter was improved and included articles from leading area architects. We worked through the “signature architect” program with local clients to assure local AIA architects were involved and architect of record on many projects. We worked on resolving prior issues with AIA Ohio and developing common goals to advance the profession and AIA members around Ohio. We encouraged our architect members to get involved in community and political organizations.

In your career, what is the biggest change you’ve seen in the field of architecture?

Architecture is now a global opportunity for many firms and the shift to specialty design has changed the landscape of practice.  We now look at health on a global scale and an important component of planning and design for projects everywhere.

Looking ahead, what is the biggest challenging facing architects working today?

Positioning our profession to be experts in health, carbon neutrality, climate change, sustainability, and energy efficiency as we prepare our communities for the future. We must remain relevant and be valued as thought leaders in developing the successful future of our environment.  

How has AIA membership benefited you?

Creating and incredible network of industry friends who are exceptional professionals with such varied experience and expertise that it expands my knowledge and resources.  I have been able to create and lead projects as well as develop long time clients and friends for life. I am so blessed to have such successful and incredible people as friends and colleagues.  I have had opportunities to impact people all over the world thru the work and presentations I have made throughout my career. I am humbled to have had amazing opportunities to serve our profession at many levels and surround myself with professionals who are far more talented than I am to enhance my leadership impact.  

What advice would you give to a recent architecture graduate?

Remember life is about people and the opportunities you have to impact their lives.  Create as many opportunities as you can to use your passion and knowledge to improve our environment to secure the future with empathy, knowledge, and leadership.


2020 SAIDWorks! Chair


2020 Title Sponsor: GOP Limited