New Member: Marc Padros, AIA, NCARB
Marc Padros, AIA, NCARB Senior Architect, FFE Inc.
What inspires you?
I try to keep my eyes open for any possible source of inspiration: it can be in other buildings (not necessarily masterpieces), conversations, TV series, or simply observing someone dedicated to their job.
Of your recent projects, which is your favorite and why?
I’m working on a project for a VA Hospital, specifically for electrical equipment. As the roof can be seen from the hospital rooms, we designed a “green” roof that contributes to a healing environment.
What do you consider your strongest skill?
I believe my strongest skill is helping people, projects, and organizations grow and succeed.
What do you love most about what you do?
I love it when things finally become what they are meant to be. That moment when you think, “Yes, this should always have been like this,” is incredibly fulfilling.
When you’re not being an architect, what do you enjoy doing?
I perform as an extra at the Cincinnati Opera. You can catch me on stage this season in La Traviata!