2021 Allied Member: KLH Engineers

James Tavernelli, President and Chief Operating Officer, KLH Engineers


What are the services that you provide? 

KLH Engineers’ services include mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering, lighting, technology systems, and commissioning. KLH is also positioning itself for broader opportunities by offering BIM technology development, data management strategies, and design to support industrialized construction strategies.

How do you approach your work? 

As design team members, KLH is meeting the owner’s requirements; however, it also recognizes the contractors are the consumers of its work. KLH’s goal is to think downstream with respect to what information owners need to operate their building and what contractors need to construct with less waste. To do that requires KLH to identify, leverage, and transfer data that is valuable to each stakeholder.

How are you innovating and bringing value to your projects? 

KLH is creating software for industry users through the creation of custom Autodesk Revit add-ins, project management applications, design databases, asset management applications, machine learning, and web applications. By leveraging design data, KLH is eliminating rework and waste, and saving clients time and money.

What are some of the challenges in the industry and how do you address them? 

The AEC industry has struggled with inefficiencies and missed opportunities to utilize data. Therefore, KLH launched Levcon Analytics, a company solely focused on Data as a Discipline™. Levcon Analytics creates strategies to help identify, manage, and audit data as the project goes through design, construction, and operations. Its data integration platform, Convergit™, improves an owner’s ability to manage assets and streamlines the design and construction process by uniting teams through a single source of truth.

What’s next for you? 

KLH aspires to be a firm that drives the entire project, as well as the industry, into its next evolution of a digitized, industrialized construction industry. KLH seeks like-minded partners willing to break down barriers and adopt a willingness to share project data for greater outcomes. It will require education and KLH is committed to doing its part to keep the industry informed.


Citizen Architect: Jeff Raser, AIA


Past President: Steve Kenat, AIA