2022 Title Sponsor: GOP Limited

Chad Estes, Partner

What does your firm do?

We are a 100+ year old Structural Engineering firm. We provide structural analysis and design, feasibility studies, investigation of deterioration, designs for repair, historic restoration and rehabilitation, construction review, structural troubleshooting and expert testimony. We are known for creative and easy-to-implement solutions to difficult structural problems. Our history is best reflected by our long-term client relationships.

How did you get into this field?

Early in my academic pursuits, I had every intention of entering the workplace as an architect.  Around 2008, the opportunities leaving school in that field all but dried up completely. I pivoted quickly to structural engineering, joined GOP Limited as a co-op and have been here since. In 2021, I became a Principal.

What do you love most about your work?

There is a creativity involved that I never expected. It’s analytical, it’s presented graphically, and the problems are always different. There is satisfaction in finding the best answer; assembling ever-changing variables, defining the problem, then working through it and presenting it until one day getting to stand before it. 

How does your firm work with architects?

Ask three engineers a question and get four different answers. While they may all work, we know the fifth answer is the best. The one you get to after what occurs to you initially and after collaboration with the team, considering all variables. We work closely with our architects, we’re nimble and responsive, and creative in our approach.

When you’re not working, what do you love to do?

I love to be on the move with something at all times, friends and family, being outdoors, etc. It is rare that I’m parked. I like to travel and eat food, photograph buildings, and occasionally sketch one if there is time. My daily labor of love though is running with a few marathons here and there. The golf course is about the only pause I find every couple of weeks. Above all, and admittedly in place of all that for now, is being a father to my young son of less than a year.

AIA Cincinnati is grateful for GOP Limited’s support of our architecture community. Learn more at gopltd.com.


2023 Title Sponsor: Cincinnati Commercial Contracting - Tom Shumaker


2022 Title Sponsor: The Kleingers Group