2020 CRANawards Chair

Andreas Lange, Senior Associate, PWWG Architects, CRANawards Chair (2016-2020)

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What is your favorite recent project and why? 

Cincinnati Music Hall – I joined PWWG as the on-site Project Architect to help deliver this project. It was a once-in-a-lifetime project that demanded absolutely every architectural skill imaginable and more. The scale and speed of the renovation was overwhelming at first. In the end, being present, respectful, and responsive helped transform the potentially tense relationships between the design team and contractors. We figured out how to work together to solve very messy problems and maintain design intent. The project was delivered on-time and to widespread praise. I’m proud to have been part of the team that made it all happen.

What inspires you and why? 

My kids – Every day you can see them learn something new and make more connections. Seeing them slowly grow up into funny, beautiful little people is one of the most rewarding things in the world. Sure, redesigning Music Hall was challenging, but it had an end date. Thankfully, kids don’t have a deadline and they will continue to grow.

What is does the CRANawards Committee do? 

The CRANawards Committee organizes and runs the annual awards program highlighting the best in residential architecture in Cincinnati. We gather entries from professionals, select and organize the awards Jury, collect sponsorships from industry partners, and organize the awards banquet. The CRANawards started in 2009 and has been very successful in raising awareness and recognition of the good work that residential architects do here in Cincinnati. Our committee also tries to improve the program every year. For example, this year we have created a student category and a 25 year category. The intent was to broaden participation to include emerging designers and established professionals with a legacy of work. We also teamed up with UC to share our visiting Juror who will give a free public lecture the day before the awards banquet.

How can AIA Cincinnati members get involved with the CRANawards? 

We’d love for more young professionals to join the committee. Cincinnati’s CRAN committee is one of the most active in the country and the CRANawards is its signature event. Being on the CRANawards Committee is an opportunity to directly shape the story about residential architecture in Cincinnati and broadcast that to a much larger audience. It’s also good networking.Submit a project for the awards next year, attend the 2020 banquet (registration deadline is March 20!), and pay attention to who is building the best buildings in town. Challenge each other to build better.


2020 Title Sponsor: Tisdel Distributing - Amanda Cook


2020 SAIDWorks! Chair